
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-22

答:1、My father is willing to completely disregard, even defy fuming, totally did not listen to the mother and begged friends discouraged. I have this instinct, it seems doomed to a tragic fate of my future.译文:我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻.我...

答:I've been drifting on the sea for so many days. It's enough. I just have a quiet rest for a few days to reflect on the dangers of the past.我在海上漂流了这么多天,实在够了,正好安安静静地休息几天,把过去的危险回味一下。When the creator rules mankind, it is a great ...

英文版鲁滨逊漂流记 好词好句好段读书笔记
答:读书笔记:《鲁滨逊漂流记》英文版 好词:1. desolation:孤独,荒凉 2. reclusive:隐居的,隐士 3. providential:照顾的,幸运的 4. utility:实用,有用 5. forlorn:孤独的,无望的 6. inhospitable:不友善的,荒凉的 7. disheartened:失望的,沮丧的 8. intrepid:无畏的,勇敢的 9. perplexe...

答:in this unfortunate situation, God guide me to know him, for his blessing, it gave me great comfort. This happy enough to compensate I have suffered and may suffer from all have more unfortunate.好词

答:2. Unfilial my son, back on parents, not the bounden duty of God to punish me so soon, is fair and just.3. Alas! In fear of making their decision how ridiculous ah! Any reason to provide them all the way to protect themselves, once the heart of fear got the upper hand...

答:When a person Huoshi period alone, even more miserable than those encountered Huoshi more, especially when a person can not expect that out of this frame of mind in a state of anxiety.In fear of making their decision how ridiculous ah! Any reason to provide them all the way to...

答:I would like to completely disregard the parent, or even defy Fuming, totally did not listen to the mother and begged friends to dissuade. I am of this nature, it seems destined to the future of my unfortunate fate. 我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们...

答:2014-10-18 求鲁宾逊漂流记英文原版 1 2010-11-25 世界名著-鲁宾逊漂流记 TXT下载 1 2009-03-21 txt英文文本:床头灯.II.鲁宾逊漂流记.Robinson... 2009-09-25 鲁宾逊漂流记英文版简介380字左右 78 2009-03-08 鲁宾逊漂流记的英文故事梗概 380 2015-04-05 鲁宾逊漂流记Txt完整版 1 更多类似问题...

答:鲁滨逊漂流记(英文原名:Robinson Crusoe,又译作鲁滨逊漂流记,或鲁宾逊漂流记,鲁宾孙漂流记。直译作鲁宾逊·克鲁索)是一本由丹尼尔·笛福59岁时所著写的第一部小说.下面是鲁滨逊漂流记好句摘抄: 1、世间万物,只是有用处,才是最可贵的。任何东西,积攒多了,就应送给别人;我们能够享用的,至多不过是我们能够使用的部...

答:《鲁滨逊漂流记》的英文简介:Robinson is tired of the quiet life at home and is determined to become a sailor and travel around the world. On a voyage to Africa,the ship encountered a storm and the whole ship sank into the sea,but he survived.鲁滨逊厌倦家中宁静的生活,决意成...


驷泳15859416670:鲁滨逊漂流记好词好句 -
皮贺 ...... 搁浅、兜底、吞噬、烟搁浅、吞噬、烟波弥漫、泅水、山坳、恭顺、忏悔 惊魂甫定 怡然自得 中庸克己 妒火攻心 心烦意乱 郑重其事 归心顿消 闻所未闻 油然升起 难以抑制 日趋淡薄 九霄云外 正直无私 付诸实施 满身黑斑 冻饿之虞 千里迢迢 举目...

驷泳15859416670:鲁宾逊漂流记的好词好句 -
皮贺 ...... 鲁滨逊飘流记》中的好词好句好段: .我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻.我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运. 2.我这个不孝之子,背弃父母,不尽天职,老天就这么快惩罚我了,真是天公地道...

驷泳15859416670:有关鲁滨逊漂流记的好词好句 -
皮贺 ...... 《鲁滨逊飘流记》中的好词好句好段: 1.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻.我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运. 2.我这个不孝之子,背弃父母,不尽天职,老天就这么快惩罚我了,真是天公地...

驷泳15859416670:急求鲁滨逊漂流记好句50句 -
皮贺 ...... 人生是一门外语,谁都发不准它的读音. 我们都是守门员,我们的大门常常被攻破.重要的是我们不放弃,我们的亲人会为我们加油,他们会为我们骄傲的. 如果我不能,我一定要;如果我要,我一定能. 既然选择了前方,只顾风雨兼程. ...

驷泳15859416670:《鲁宾逊漂流记》好词好句 -
皮贺 ...... 《鲁滨逊飘流记》中的好词好句好段: 1.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻.我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运. 2.我这个不孝之子,背弃父母,不尽天职,老天就这么快惩罚我了,真是天公地...

驷泳15859416670:《鲁宾逊漂流记》好词好句 -
皮贺 ...... 《鲁滨逊飘流记》中的好词好句好段: 1.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻.我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运. 2.我这个不孝之子,背弃父母,不尽天职,老天就这么快惩罚我了,真是天公...

驷泳15859416670:鲁宾逊漂流记好句150句 -
皮贺 ...... 鲁滨逊飘流记》中的好词好句好段: 1.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻.我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运. 2.我这个不孝之子,背弃父母,不尽天职,老天就这么快惩罚我了,真是天公地道...

驷泳15859416670:鲁滨逊漂流记好词好句 -
皮贺 ...... 好段:1、岛上有不少野果树,但这是我过了好久才发现的.岛上还有到处乱跑的山羊,但要不是我从船上取来了枪支弹药,它们对我又有何好处呢?因此,我有理由感谢仁慈的上帝,让船搁在海岸边,直至使我搬来了对我有用的一切东西. 概...

驷泳15859416670:鲁宾逊漂流记好句150句 -
皮贺 ...... 鲁滨逊飘流记》中的好词好句好段: 1.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻.我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运. 2.我这个不孝之子,背弃父母,不尽天职,老天就这么快惩罚我了,真是天公地道...

驷泳15859416670:《鲁滨逊漂流记》好词好句 -
皮贺 ...... 《鲁滨逊飘流记》中的好词好句好段: 1.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻.我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运. 2.我这个不孝之子,背弃父母,不尽天职,老天就这么快惩罚我了,真是天公地...